Real Estate

We represent owners, developers, contractors, property managers and more as we apply our hands-on approach to decision makers in the real estate sector, delivering the specialized assistance that is critical to this industry.

At Meisel, Tuteur & Lewis, P.C. we have served the real estate industry for more than 70 years, building significant relationships across the wide range of professionals who represent this sector. As a client, you will benefit in many ways from these connections, whether you are looking for investors, contacts in the business community, or assistance with raising capital, we can provide you with the insights, accurate data and thought-provoking analysis you require to make informed decisions.

Our client base and relationships include interactions with:

To be the most effective for every client in this industry, we go beyond traditional accounting, audit and tax preparation services to offer specialized niche assistance in the following areas:

Due Dilligence
As a real estate owner, developer, contractor or investor, you know that every project begins with a due diligence analysis. Whether purchasing or investing, you need to have confidence that the deal is being properly managed. We understand your concerns. That is why our experts draw on their years of experience to drill down to identify and analyze the situation behind the numbers, determining if the deal is worth pursuing. The information we uncover is used in many ways. It helps to confirm a fair selling price or reject an unfair deal, provides negotiating tools, reaffirms the seller’s information is correct as presented, and ensures that the details in the contract are fair and appropriate. In addition, our depth of knowledge extends to assisting our commercial clients with analyses of their tenants’ financial reports. In this way you will have further assurance that your tenants, or prospective tenants, are financially sound.
Cost Segregation Studies
Tax savings are the key reason for conducting a ‘cost seg’ study. Based on the lower depreciation rate of some key items, the study is performed with the anticipation of accelerating the availability of cash. Like you, our real estate clients benefit from the accelerated depreciation that occurs during the early years of the building’s life span when certain costs (such as lighting fixtures, air conditioning systems, or even shelving) are depreciated at a quicker rate. In this way, a cost segregation study is an important resource for both commercial and residential buildings and should be considered as a part of any future strategic tax planning.
Cash Flow Analysis
At MT&L we will devote ourselves to working closely with you to deliver the information you need to pursue your business goals. Specifically, we will begin by reviewing and examining your business’ financial reports. In doing so we can better assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of your daily operations, in your access to working capital, and in crafting a strategic plan for remaining a financially stable organization. From identifying potential investors to managing cash availability, we recognize the unique needs of our real state clients. We evaluate all necessary documents, such as pro forma financial statements, to offer projections for the next five to 10 years as we help you manage expectations and consider your future options.
Loan and Mortgage Restructuring/Financing Assistance
As interest rates rise and fall, different strategic plans need to be put in place by each owner, manager and decision maker. When rates fall, we make it our business to collaborate with you on options for restructuring the loan, negotiating new rates, or refinancing - as the current or future situations demand based on potential penalties or a bank convenant - or delaying a decision if more optimal. Throughout our decades of serving real estate professionals in the New Jersey area, we have gained a depth of experience while also building meaningful relationships in the financial and real estate communities. With this two-pronged approach as a distinctive foundation, we are able to help you, not only with your accounting and tax needs, but also by connecting you with possible investors, exploring a variety of investment channels, assisting with raising capital, and making introductions to the business community as necessary.
Income tax planning
The final step in your growth plan is to focus on your tax planning. But this can be complicated by constant changes in the tax law. Federal legislation like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and the local legislation like New Jersey Pass Through Business Alterative Income Tax (BAIT) and Pass Through Entity Tax (PTE) require cutting-edge knowledge and vigilance on the part of your advisors. We will share ideas to make sure you are well-positioned to take full advantage of every tax opportunity that arises. From the due diligence phase at the beginning of every project through your ability to manage cash flow and implement solid business processes, we will share insights, suggested tax practices and strategies to support your personal and business goals.